Upload your net zero strategy to our platform, and we'll generate a portfolio-wide inventory of projects you can take action on, today.
Don’t have one yet? We'll enlist a top UK consultancy to help you develop a tailored strategy.
Get predictive costs and timings, review briefs, see tender results and select suppliers for every asset—all in one place.
We connect your projects to 100+ vetted suppliers across Europe, and get you bids in days, not weeks.
Our marketplace of installers cover all the main decarbonisation technologies, including fabric, heat pumps, solar PV, building management software optimisation, EV charging infrastructure, LED and battery storage.
The use of our software to tender your project is free! Our main revenue comes from the referral fee that we charge our installers once their bid on your project is successful.
All our installers have been vetted for relevant certifications, track record and value for money. To learn more about our process, please contact pal@cquel.io.