Our Impact

In order to reach net zero, “business as usual” needs a radical rethink.


Here at CQuel, we’re working to do our part in securing a safer, greener and better future for all. It’s not enough, however, to just focus on tomorrow.
We also need to be conscious of the impact we’re making as we build our business and product today. As with most companies, CQuel’s main environmental impact comes from our scope 3 emissions.
Though we’re still in the early stages of our carbon accounting, we’re already taking proactive steps to keep our work and travel emissions as low as possible. Moreover, as we further integrate AI into our product, we’ll be measuring its CO2e and water wastage costs.

How We Work

Taking action on our work and travel emissions.


As a distributed team, our employees mostly work from home or from local co-working spaces. This allows us to avoid emissions from commuting and maintaining many office locations.

Greener HQs

Our hub offices are run out of Norrsken and Sustainable Ventures, both of which are sustainability-focussed organisations. By sharing space and resources with others, we get to minimise our office footprint and collaborate with like-minded people.

Team meetings

We plan our quarterly all-hands gatherings in London, where 90% of our staff are able to travel by train.

Business travel

The majority of our meetings are done virtually. When face-to-face meetings do have to happen, we try to avoid one-offs by clustering several meetings into a single trip, or aligning them with pre-planned travel.

Technology for good

As technology continues to take an outsized role in our lives, we must use it as a means to reduce emissions and waste, not create more. Here at CQuel, this thinking is at the forefront of how we build and operate our business.

Our fully digital tool not only streamlines the time it takes to bring a project to tender, it also significantly reduces the paper waste that is created in the process. Also, given that the majority of emissions associated with IT equipment are generated during their manufacturing, our team buys refurbished options wherever possible in order to mitigate our own impact.

Get in touch

Access qualified, compelling projects and improve upon the success of your tenders with CQuel. Find out how to join our supplier network today.
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