
2D Elevations and 3D Building Plans

Get your decarbonisation project off to the right start with accurate building plans. CQuel connects you with experts who deliver detailed 2D/3D plans, crucial for renewable energy upgrades and ensuring your project stays on-track.
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How does it work?

Why are 2D and 3D building plans important for decarbonisation?


3D Building Plans

Detailed 3D models help streamline collaboration between the surveyors, installers and designers working on your project.

2D Building Plans

A cost-effective alternative to 3D plans, 2D building plans are useful for mapping out heat loss assessments and equipment layouts.

2D Elevations

Crucial for installing equipment like solar panels, 2D elevations provide clear views of your property for designers and installers.

What are the benefits of 2D and 3D building plans?

Smooth Collaboration

3D building plans cut down on site visits and improve communication across the project.

Accurate Planning

2D building plans keep everyone on the same page with up-to-date information, ensuring precise designs and assessments.

Cost-Effective Layouts

2D building plans provide an affordable way to create accurate layouts, helping you manage your budget effectively.

Easy Installations

2D elevations provide the details needed for smooth, accurate installations of solar PV systems.

Accessible Data

3D building plans let you access crucial building information remotely, making projects easier to manage.


You've got questions, we've got answers.

What kind of net zero solutions can CQuel’s software help me tender?

Our marketplace of installers cover all the main decarbonisation technologies, including fabric, heat pumps, solar PV, building management software optimisation, EV charging infrastructure, LED and battery storage.

How much does using your software cost?

The use of our software to tender your project is free! Our main revenue comes from the referral fee that we charge our installers once their bid on your project is successful.

Get in touch

Access qualified, compelling projects and improve upon the success of your tenders with CQuel. Find out how to join our supplier network today.
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