Help your clients implement the net zero roadmap you’ve drawn up. CQuel’s tendering platform allows you to act as their impartial procurement guide and ensure your plans are executed to perfection.
Connect us with clients who are ready to take action. We can help them sort out funding, if capital is a blocker.
We’ll work directly with their facilities team to arrange any necessary surveys, designs or specifications — all with transparent pricing.
Our easy-to-use tendering platform connects their property to Europe’s largest marketplace of vetted net zero installers. If you’d like, you can assist them in choosing their perfect match.
Our marketplace of installers cover all the main decarbonisation technologies, including fabric, heat pumps, solar PV, building management software optimisation, EV charging infrastructure, LED and battery storage.
The use of our software to tender your project is free! Our main revenue comes from the referral fee that we charge our installers once their bid on your project is successful.
Your level of involvement is completely up to you and your client. We have some partners who prefer to be hands-off throughout the process. We have others who are more involved in the creation of the tender, and offer advice once their client is presented with their installer shortlist.